Grinding…Are you really?

We all like to say that we are grinding, we are doing everything we can to reach our goals and dreams. Are we really doing that? Is there more that we can be doing, okay you may be getting up at 3 am and going to bed at midnight. But what are you doing in between? I found myself working hard for my goal, and I say that I’m grinding…but I could be doing more, and if I could be doing more then I’m not grinding.

Grinding is more that just getting up early and staying up late working towards your goal. It’s being fully involved, doing whatever it takes. Not just going through the motions, not just doing what others have done. It’s educating yourself after you have spent the hours putting in the work, it’s making those extra phone calls even when it’s late. It’s sitting in front of a computer screen writing a blog post about how you have not been doing everything you can be doing because “hey here is another way to get my name out there!”

I want to be so much more that just a personal trainer. I have grand plans and ideas, but right now that is all they are is grand. I have not put them into motion yet and I’m sitting back saying “I’m grinding” Well I’m not, not now. When I was working 60 hour weeks, leading a community group, going to college, personal training on the side, getting my own workouts in at 2 am…I was grinding then, I was make ever sacrifice I could, I missed friends birthday parties, I stated in every night of the week (yes including Friday and Saturday). I lived and breathed my dream, I was grinding for what I wanted. Not so much now

You might ask why did I stop? Well I got my first degree and I took a break, life happened, things got in the way, I got a job in the profession I want to be in, I figured I need to start making money ( I do have kids to support), then it turned into I need to make more money to support them because man are we struggling. Then before I knew it I was not working on my dream but helping someone build theirs.

When you think your grinding you’re probably not…You want to know when your are grinding? When others are telling you that you are, when others are talking about how hard you are working, when others tell you that you need to take a break and breath.

When others are talking about you…then you are grinding!

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