Pain in the…

We have all had those nagging and debilitating pains that just never seem to go away; there is even a name for it “chronic pain”.

Since 2004 I have had chronic lower back pain. I have done countless, mind numbing hours of physical therapy over the last 12 years. During that time I have learned one thing; most physical therapy is a blank treatment. Some of you are like “what do you mean a blanket treatment?” Well I have lower back pain caused by a lower back injury that happened while I was in the military. For 12 years every physical therapist has told me I need to build up my core strength. Well guess what after years of working on core strength my back still hurts, I still have chronic pain, but I do have really nice strength.

After fighting to get to the root cause of my back issues I have been told I have degenerative disc disease, I’m compressed and have lost about 2 inches in height, I had 2 compression fractures, I have pinched nerves, and on and on. Here recently I have turned down cortisone shots in my spin, just don’t want cortisone shots over and over again and really don’t want a needle that close to my spinal cord. Of course the doctors have a great track record of not injuring someone more but the more you do the great chance that something will go wrong.

Over the past few years I have found myself looking for the root cause of issues. If someone is overweight and eats constantly I want to find the reason why they are eating and fix that. Once that is fixed then we can focus on weight loss because the reason behind why all the weight was gained has been handled. Same thing goes for pain; let’s find the root of the issues and fix that is the least evasive manner. I’m very excited because tomorrow, (8-25-2016), I start a new form of treatment on my back. I’ll be doing acupuncture for the first time. I’m going to also combine that with meditation and mental performance. I’m going to take the holistic approach to my healing. I really got into focus training about 6 months ago but have let life get in the way and got away for my daily routine.

Once we get a routine down and its working we need to stick with it so that it keeps working. Now I have to work harder to get back to where I was when I stopped. I’m going to record my journey through acupuncture and my focus training. I figure if it can help me then there will be at least one other person it might help.


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